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Year 4
Year 4 Home
Unit 1: Stories With Historical Settings, Recounts & Plays
Unit 2: Persuasive Writing, Poetic Forms & Language
Unit 3: Non-Chronological Reports & Free Verse
Unit 4: Fantasy Worlds, Riddles & Explanation Texts
Unit 5: Persuasion, Story Writing & Rap
Unit 1: Place Value
Unit 2: Addition & Subtraction
Unit 3: Multiplication & Division
Unit 4: Measures, Data & Shape
Unit 5: Fractions
Unit 1: Animals Including Humans
Unit 2: Living Things & Their Habitats
Unit 3: States of Matter
Unit 4: Electricity
Unit 5: Sound
Unit 1: Computing System and Networks- The Internet
Unit 2: Creating Media-Audio Editing
Unit 3: Creating Media-Photo Editing
Unit 4: Programming A - Repetition in Shapes
Unit 5: Programming B -Repetition in Games
History & Geography
Unit 1: Ancient History
Unit 2: Local Geography
Unit 3: Earthquakes & Volcanoes
Unit 4: Modern History
Art & DT
Unit 1: Theatre Art
Unit 2: Architecture
Unit 3: Mixed Media
Unit 4: Sculpture
Unit 5: Digital Media
Unit 1: My Identity & Me
Unit 2: All About Health
Unit 3: Safety First
Unit 4: Relationships
Unit 5: Money
Unit 1: Creative Writing (การเขียนสร้างสรรค์)
Unit 2: Enjoy Reading (การอ่านพาเพลิน)
Unit 3: Listen, Speak and Watch (ฟัง พูด และดูอย่างมคีุณค่า)
Unit 4: The Main Sansa Language (หลักภาษาหรรษา)
Unit 5: Literature (วรรณคดี วรรณกรรม)
Unit 1: Numbers & Characters
Unit 2: Family & Friends
Unit 3: Colours & Clothes
Unit 4: Animals & Food
Unit 5: My House
Unit 1: Welcome Back
Unit 2: Food & Drink
Unit 3: Animals
Unit 4: Weather & Clothes
Unit 5: Food for Celebrations
Unit 6: Music
Unit 7: In The Town
Unit 8: Special Dates
Theme 1: Ancient Egypt
Theme 2: Help Our Habitats
Theme 3: Active Planet
Theme 4: Inventions
Theme 5: Young Entrepreneurs
ISS Curriculum
ISS Website
Year 4
Year 4 Curriculum
Theme 1:
Ancient Egypt
Theme 2:
Help Our Habitats
Theme 3:
Active Planet
Theme 4:
Theme 5:
Young Entrepreneurs
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